?????.net: protesters in the United States use to coordinate Google Docs

the Main instrument for coordinating the protesters in the United States has become the text editor of Google Docs, who would have thought, in the presence of giants such as the social network Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Incidentally, they are perfectly suitable for lighting of the protest movement, but the tape with positions constantly changing, so you cannot use them to create shelves anchor the information to which people can always return. Exactly this platform is a text editor from Google.

the Service is very simple to use and available to everyone. It does not depend on log into a social network. Protesters create documents containing lists of books about racism, contacts, funds, receiving donations, templates, communications and letters, as well as the chronology of events of the protest movement in the form of links to the posts, photos and videos. Such public documents are easy to return, they can be viewed simultaneously on multiple screens and they’re easy to share via a tweet or post. And, importantly, each user can view, fill and edit these documents anonymously. This is another advantage over Twitter or Facebook. Users who accessed the link to the document is assigned an animal avatar, hiding the key, thus to join the movement and those people who do not want to expose themselves and openly join a political party.

in an Unexpected way protests in the United States touched and the world’s largest online forum Reddit, he ranks 19th among the world’s top most visited websites in the world. Come to him more than a billion users per day. Co-founder of Reddit, Alexis Ohanian, left the Board of Directors of the company on the background of the movement against racism and asked the Council to replace its black head. The Verge notes that shortly before the departure of Ohanian from Reddit started to hide under lock and key some of the popular forums and block the publication of criticism of the policies of the company in relation to incitement to hatred. The moderators then blamed the user company of failing to apply measures of racism on the site and in communities.

Text: To.Hi-tech