?????.net: Mail.ru Group extended remote mode for employees until September 1,

Mail.ru Group extended remote mode for employees until September 1. This became known from the letter that the head of the Corporation, Boris Dobrodeyev, sent to his colleagues. The letter States that the company is prepared to partially open offices in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg for those who absolutely unbearable. However, to come to work employees in case of emergency and subject to several conditions. The office will be opened in advance with a limit of about 30 people on the floor. Employees coming to the office must take a test for coronavirus and wait for the results, it takes about two hours. To do this in the office Mail.Ru Group has built a special laboratory. Tests will need to pass every three days.

In “Yandex”, told reporters that monitor the situation in all regions, however, the parts gradually yield to the office yet. Actually Mail.ru Group has hit the global trend with the decision to extend udalenku, so did many it companies, almost everyone except for Apple, who on the contrary began to return to the office. Facebook and Google, for example, authorized most of its employees work from home until the end of this year. Amazon has allowed its office workers to stay at home until the beginning of October, and Twitter actually did radical let his team to work from home as much time as they want.

the Head of Facebook mark Zuckerberg last week they even gave a one-hour stream on the page and she was completely dedicated to the new life of the Corporation after the pandemic. Moreover, that fifty thousand to the end of the year will work remotely Zuckerberg said that thinking about how to transfer people on udalenku on continuously. That is, in the future five to ten years before half of the staff will be able to work from home. Will affect it first of experienced staff, the social network has its own performance ratings of colleagues. Absolutely new and young will need to train, and remotely it doesü uncomfortable. In addition, at the same time, the social network is going to develop your tools to work remotely.

Text: To.Hi-tech