Life is Strange: Double Exposure is the latest installment in the popular Life is Strange franchise, developed by Deck Nine Games. This new game has received a ‘Mixed’ rating on Steam, with both positive and negative reviews from players.

One common complaint among negative reviews is the absence of the character Chloe, who was a fan favorite from the original game. Many players expressed disappointment at not seeing Chloe in this new installment. Additionally, some players were unhappy with the advanced access edition of the game, which required them to spend extra money to play the game a few days before the full release.

Despite these criticisms, Life is Strange: Double Exposure continues to receive praise for its compelling story, detailed facial expressions, impressive graphics, and beloved characters like Max and Amanda. These elements have resonated with fans and have kept them engaged in the game.

For both new players and returning fans of the franchise, Life is Strange: Double Exposure offers a unique and captivating experience that draws players in from the beginning. The game has managed to maintain the complex and intriguing storytelling that the series is known for, making it a worthwhile addition to the Life is Strange universe.

Overall, while some aspects of the game may have fallen short of expectations for some players, the majority of reviews on Steam highlight the positive aspects of Life is Strange: Double Exposure and recommend it to those who enjoy story-driven single-player games. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the series or a newcomer, this latest installment is sure to provide an engaging and memorable experience.