
Throughout the 2010s, Telltale Games was known for developing exceptional narrative-driven adventures based on popular franchises. While the team is still around today, you can now get many of their games at a deep discount during a new Steam sale until October 17. One of the standout titles on sale is The Wolf Among Us, an episodic series from 2013 set in the world of Bill Willingham’s Fables comic. In this game, you play as Bigby Wolf, the sheriff of a community of fairytale characters in modern-day New York. When a murder occurs, Bigby must solve the case, uncovering dark secrets along the way. The unique take on familiar fairytale characters and Telltale’s narrative-driven gameplay make for an engaging experience. With a sequel in development, now is the perfect time to dive into this intriguing world.

In addition to The Wolf Among Us, there are other discounted titles worth checking out during the sale. These include The Expanse: A Telltale Series, Telltale Batman Shadows Edition, Wallace and Gromit’s Grand Adventures, and Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack. However, it’s important to note that popular titles like The Walking Dead and Tales from the Borderlands are not included in the sale. Keep an eye out for future discounts on these games if they are on your wishlist.

Overall, Telltale Games’ catalog offers a variety of immersive storytelling experiences that are worth exploring, especially at discounted prices. Whether you’re a fan of detective stories, interactive narratives, or classic fairytale characters, there’s something for everyone in Telltale’s collection. Take advantage of the sale to save big on these engaging games and immerse yourself in captivating worlds crafted by one of the most renowned developers in the industry.