
In the city-building survival world of Frostpunk 2, the challenges of surviving the end of the world are intense. A worker’s strike in the midst of a whiteout can have devastating consequences if you fail to keep your settlement warm, fed, and satisfied. To survive in this frozen apocalypse, you must utilize the extensive technology tree known as the Idea Tree.

One key building in Frostpunk 2 is the Research Institute, which plays a crucial role in unlocking new advancements to aid in your survival efforts. To build the Research Institute, you need a tier-two Housing District. Simply placing some Housing is not enough; you must upgrade the Housing District by selecting the upgrade option once construction is complete.

Expanding your Housing District requires prefabs and heatstamps, but the resources invested are well worth it to unlock the technology tree. Once your Housing District is upgraded, select the Building construction menu and choose the Research Institute under Housing to begin your research endeavors.

When it comes to prioritizing research in Frostpunk 2, you need to make strategic decisions as you can only research one Idea at a time. Start by addressing critical city problems such as heating and food production. Here are some key research priorities to consider:
– Housing Insulation: Reduces the base heat demand of Housing Districts, stretching your heating budget further as your population grows.
– Hospitals: Help reduce the risk of Disease and cure Sick Absentees to keep your Workforce healthy.
– Filtration Towers: Reduce squalor in your city, crucial for managing industrial districts.
– Sawmills: Upgrade your Extraction District to produce additional materials for future developments.
– Relationships: Increase Population Growth to meet the demands of your expanding settlement.

As your research progresses, surviving in the harsh world of Frostpunk 2 becomes more manageable. While waiting for construction to finish, consider setting your sights on the ultimate challenge of completing the game on its hardest setting. With strategic planning and research prioritization, you can discover the warmth within and thrive in the frozen apocalypse of Frostpunk 2.