?????.net: due to mass unrest in the United States it company began to defer the presentation

riots in the United States substantially changed the agenda in the us, rather in the global it industry. And in all its aspects, from the announcements of big companies to rather peculiar article in the specialized press. Come down to the fact that Facebook employees staged a virtual strike. They don’t like that the head of the social network does not react to the statements of Donald trump, which they consider racist. A community of fans of Korean pop music arranged DDoS-attack to law enforcement agencies of Texas and has ensured that police the app just stopped working.

it all Started with the fact that on 31 may the Dallas police asked those who have video evidence of any illegal actions of the protesters to anonymously upload it to the app iWatch Dallas, it was assumed that then the police will review the video, identify criminals and punish the person. But this tweet just an hour and noticed a community of fans to K-pop or Korean pop music, and called to arrange a simple DDoS attack- download the app and fill up the police music videos, and instructions for use were quite detailed, it said, if your country is not running the app – go through the VPN, disable the location that the algorithm could not block you for using GEODATA. The K-pop community since the start of protests sympathetic to the demonstrators and support them, therefore, responded to the call of many, only the tweet calling for a census of 30,000 people, it is likely that fewer volunteers were loaded into a police their videos.

Under the pressure application broke down and stopped working. Went to the website of the Dallas police, less than a day the police said that due to technical problems, the application will be temporarily unavailable.

meanwhile a leading it publishing USA, Wired, has released a manual for demonstrators so as to minimise the risk that the police will establish the identity of the activist. The emphasis is, of course, the technical means that use of the Americasanskie intelligence. According to Wired, the technology they have essentially two is to work with smartphones demonstrators, recognition of their faces and license plates. So the first tip is to leave the phone at home, because the police can confiscate and to hack if necessary.

Then I propose to refuse to unlock by fingerprint or scan of the face and set a complex password. Then the authorities can request data from Telecom operators, who confirmed that the phone, which means its owner were on the stocks, in addition there are special police equipment, which impersonates a base station of cellular communication and can intercept certain personal data of owners of all smartphones in the crowd that also threatens anonymity.

Experts suggest the phone if he needed to hold off and enable as needed. And offer to store it in a bag with a Faraday cage, it blocks any radiation, but for communication I advise you to use a secure instant messenger in the first place Signal, they really want the phone. As for the recognition algorithms, we strongly suggest to protest to not go on the machine, close the face mask and to hide under clothing all tattoos, even better to wear sunglasses. Well, in General it is believed that this is the first in U.S. history, the mass protest when the police have so many different technologies to determine the identity of the demonstrators.

Protests have already influenced global processes. Because of the unrest, the presentations were postponed several companies. Sony has postponed a planned Thursday demonstration games for consoles of new generation PlayStation 5. Platform search for housing for Airbnb was to share how to change its work against the background of the coronavirus and also delayed the announcement because of the riots. But Google postponed the new release of the demo version of the Android build – Android 11 for an indefinite period.

Text: News.Hi-tech