9000 years Ago was the construction of the first city of a great success – but then the problems started. The ruins of the city of Çatalhöyük in southern Turkey and cover an area of around 32 hectares – the equivalent of which is a square of 550 meters edge length. This small city is considered to be one of the oldest settlements in the world. It was inhabited by 7100 BC to 5950 BC. This is an important transition phase of humanity. In this area you marked the break of a wall, a nomadic way of life to the settled life.

the ancestors of The Neolithic people lived as nomadic cattle breeders, the offspring found themselves in the confines of a city. Because in the relatively small territory of 8,000 people, with animals living in the heyday of the city – per capita is only 40 square meters of the “city area” – which should not be confused with “living space”. The city was so narrow that the inhabitants had to climb through roof hatches in the houses.

Steitwagen Fund: With jewelry and a chariot – a couple went into eternity Fullscreen

Also the precious jewelry, the woman remained in the grave.

©Viktor Novozhenov, University of Karaganda manufacturer of High levels of violence

archaeologists have now discovered that the delivery is to live together in such a small space is by no means harmonious. They found that the Overcrowding led to terrible violence. Apparently, the inhabitants decimated each other.

for 25 years, the Remains of 742 residents were examined. Previous studies have expressed the suspicion that this first city was a pretty bad neighborhood, as many of the skeletons showed traces of violence.

Now the evaluation is complete. In the testimonies from more than 1000 years, the scientists discovered “convincing evidence of increased interpersonal violence”, which was triggered by the Stress of city life, write to you in your study.

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they found that the violence became more intense, as the city became more populated. A quarter of the skulls showed traces arising from projectiles. There were small clay balls that have been shot down with a slingshot. On the site, many were found of these balls. Most of the victims were women who were attacked from the rear. Twelve of the skull showed multiple fracture. In the confines of the city, there are ideal conditions for the spread of diseases, the main author of the study, Clark Spencer Larsen, Professor of anthropology at the Ohio State University were also. Because interior walls and floors of the houses were contaminated with the faeces of humans and animals.

“they live under very crowded conditions, with garbage cans and animal barns next to their houses,” says Larsen. “So, there were a number of plumbing problems that have probably contributed to the spread of infectious diseases.”

The violence may also have contributed to the food supply in the immediate vicinity of the city was sufficient. The Remains show that the inhabitants had to travel back in time longer Stuck.

According to Larsen, this is not the first Mini-town had to struggle with the same problems, which is great metropolises were facing. “Çatalhöyük was one of the first proto-urban communities of the world and the residents are experiencing had to, what happens when you bring too many people for a long time in a small space together.”

source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

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