Berlin’s security researchers have uncovered according to a report by the news magazine “der Spiegel” security gaps in the approval process of Apps for smart speaker from Amazon and Google.

The researchers at the Berlin Security Research Labs (SRLabs) were able to spread via the official App store for the Amazon Echo and Google Home Apps with which users of Amazon could Echo or Google Home unnoticed to listen. It was able to outsmart the security controls of Amazon and Google.

The SRLabs researchers had initially harmless versions of the Apps, called Amazon “Skills” and Google’s “Actions” or “actions” that the company submitted to and unlocked. The Apps were able to answer user requests, for example, according to a horoscope and pretend your inactivity. After the first security check which Apps have been changed, however, so that you are listening to a “Goodbye”message to continue. A re-examination of the manipulated App have not taken place.

In practice, the Apps did virtually no damage because they had to first be found among the Thousands of Skills and actions, and installed. In addition, the bright color display signals to the device that you are recording the language. The Experiment the researchers exposed serious vulnerabilities with the release of App updates in Amazon and Google.

The SRLabs researchers informed the company about their Attempts, then responded. “We have taken security measures to detect this kind of Skill-the behavior and to prevent. Skills will be rejected or removed, once such behavior is identified,” said Amazon in the “mirror”. A Google spokeswoman wrote, “We prohibit and remove any Action that violates our policies.” The researchers developed Actions have deleted Google. “We use additional mechanisms for such a bind in the future.”

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