Philippe Brunet: the aède

Theatre Démodocos

The alexandrian is its worst enemy. He swears by the hexamètre. Moving head to the hand – unearthed at a garage sale in Ethiopia -Philippe Brunet proclaims the verses of homer. Aède of modern times, professor of ancient Greek at the university of Rouen has re-translated The Iliad (edited the Threshold in 2010), transposing the rhythm of the hexamètre in the French language. It took twenty years. A translation novel repeated with The Odyssey , just completed, is waiting for a publisher. Author of a thesis on the metric and to dactylique, the graduate is fighting for closer to the poets of antiquity. “Etymologically, the epic that is the voice. If we want to understand the hexamètre, it should be the chant. Then, the rhythm acts on the body and memory.” The discovery of Homer in khâgne is a revelation. Today, humans live the memory homeric with his company Demodocos, created in 1995. The troupe of singers, dancers and musicians takes …

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